Chamber plays the fool in Yes Men hoax 2

Another brilliant stunt from the Yes Men: the New York pranksters sent out a fake press release this morning, pretending to be from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is reversing its opposition to the clean energy bill in Congress. It’s had a change of heart. It’s now taking climate change seriously, the press release said.

It was all a hoax, but before that was discovered Reuters, Fox Business Network, and CNBC reported the news as fact. The Chamber, which can’t seem to catch a break these days, clarified that it still, in fact, opposes the climate bill and thinks these shenanigans “undermine the genuine effort to find solutions on the challenge of climate change.” But the best fun happened at a fake press conference held by Yes Man Andy Bichlbaum, pretending to be a Chamber spokesperson. A real Chamber spokesman interrupts, and shouting and hilarity ensue. Watch it:

  1. amazingdrx Posted 11:46 pm
    19 Oct 2009

    Good work Yes Men!

    This just in from "sick-puppy" (Bush 41, the central american "death Squad" CIA director in the 70s, desciption of Maddow and KO) Olbermann, the chamber claims to have 300,000 member businesses. It actually has 30,000.

    Just a clerical error?

    Here's a related anecdote. I was asked what business I was representing at a high buck event with our local congressman, a democrat I volunteered for both election cycles he has run. Who asked me, implying I would not be invited without a big check and business representation? My local democratic (a former Reagan republican?) party leader.

    I think maybe salesmen have hoodwinked the voters AND the politicians into believing they run the world.
  2. Joel W Posted 12:32 am
    20 Oct 2009

    Fantastic. Yes Men I like your style. I wonder if they could convince world leaders that the Climate Conference in Copenhagen isn't being held in a fancy conference centre, but one of the greenest places in the places in the city. It might open their eyes if they saw how easy it is to live without cars, street lighting and rampant consumerism. Now that would be a coup!

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