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Clearing the PR Pollution that Clouds Climate Science

Desmog Video

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Will Ferrell as George W Bush explains global warming

Hilarious spoof by comedian Will Ferrell as George W Bush trying to explain  the seriousness of the "global warmings."

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TAGS: ferrel bush video, ferrell george bush funny video, ferrell global warming video, Humor, will ferrell, will ferrell global warming1 Comment | Add a comment
Blueman Group on "Earth to America" - global warming

Very cool video on global warming by the famous Blue Man Group.

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TAGS: blue man group global warming, blue man group global warming video, blue man groups funny video, earth to america blue man group, Humor0 Comments | Add a comment
Best Global Warming Rant by the Ranting Gryphon

The Ranting Gryphon on Global Warming Winner of the moviebakery global warming award.

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TAGS: global warming rant, global warming video, Humor, ranting gryphon global warming, ranting gryphon video0 Comments | Add a comment
Polar Bears explaining global warming

Two polar bears muse on the causes of global warming.

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TAGS: climate change video, funny polar bear video, global warming video, Humor0 Comments | Add a comment
The Fox is Wrong: Global Warming

The Gameshow Sensation Sweeping the Nation — THE FOX IS WRONG: GLOBAL WARMING!

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TAGS: brave new films global warming, Deniers, fox news climate change, fox news global warming, global warming denial, Humor0 Comments | Add a comment
CNN Youtube 2007 debate: snoman's global warming question

A snowman asking a question to the US primary candidates about global warming.

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TAGS: cnn debate 2008, cnn snowman question, global warming 2008 presidential candidates, Humor, Leaders0 Comments | Add a comment
X Prize contest: Crazy Clean Energy Ideas

A new X-Prize competition is challenging people to come up with alternative energy ideas. Find out more in this video.

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TAGS: crazy green ideas, global warming solutions, global warming video, Humor, Solutions, x prize clean energy contest0 Comments | Add a comment

It's good that the Yes Men punked Chevron - We Agree!

If you missed it, the Yes Men spent the day yesterday rendering (even more) ridiculous a new Chevron ad campaign that purports to show an oil company acting responsibly. There's a great Fast Company account of how events unfolded here.

I have to say, each time the Yes Men pull one of these counter campaigns, I find myself longing for the content to be true - wishing that an oil company (in this instance) really would own up to its failings and indicate a real willingness to move on. Naive in the extreme, I know, but if the bad guys can live in denial, why can't I enjoy the occasional delusion?

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About the climate cover-up

About the climate cover-up

Democracy is utterly dependent upon an electorate that is accurately informed. In promoting climate change denial (and often denying their responsibility for doing so) industry has done more than endanger the environment. It has undermined democracy.

There is a vast difference between putting forth a point of view, honestly held, and intentionally sowing the seeds of confusion. Free speech does not include the right to deceive. Deception is not a point of view. And the right to disagree does not include a right to intentionally subvert the public awareness.

Although all public relations professionals are bound by a duty to not knowingly mislead the public, some have executed comprehensive campaigns of misinformation on behalf of industry clients on issues ranging from tobacco and asbestos to seat belts.

Lately, these fringe players have turned their efforts to creating confusion about climate change. This PR campaign could not be accomplished without the compliance of media as well as the assent and participation of leaders in government and business.

Desmog Tip Jar

Desmog Tip Jar

Help us clear the PR pollution that clouds climate science. Thanks to our dedicated readers, the DeSmog project counters the seeds of climate confusion.

Democracy is utterly dependent upon an electorate that is accurately informed. In promoting climate change denial (and often denying their responsibility for doing so) industry has done more than endanger the environment. It has undermined democracy. The Desmog project is our answer to industry PR spin.

Thank you for all you do. Please donate what you can. Whether its $10 or $100 every bit helps.

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