ItzaFineDay's Photo: uploaded on June 16th, 2007

Passing the Vivoleum Flame

Passing the Vivoleum Flame by ItzaFineDay

Passing Reggie's flame with a Vivoleum candle at a keynote speech at the GO-Expo 2007 (Oil and Gas Exposition) in Calgary, Alberta closely examines a "Vivoleum" candle during an elaborate stunt by the Yes Men. www.theyesmen.orgThe oilmen listened to the lecture with attention, and then lit "commemorative candles" supposedly made of Vivoleum obtained from the flesh of an "Exxon janitor" who died as a result of cleaning up a toxic spill. The audience only reacted when the janitor, in a video tribute, announced that he wished to be transformed into candles after his death, and all became

uploaded by ItzaFineDay | 6 days ago
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This footage is part of these news stories

Vivoleum Scrutiny

Performance Group Burns Calgary Oilmen

Posing as executives from ExxonMobile and the NPC, world famous provocateurs The Yes Men appeared at Calgary's largest oil conference yesterday to propose burning human bodies for fuel. Here is the press release...
Photo Properties
Np! ID: Title:
351856 Passing the Vivoleum Flame
Created: Modified: File Size:
Sat, 06/16/2007 - 3:23am Sat, 06/16/2007 - 3:23am 4288 × 2848 – 6.54 MB
File type: License:
image (jpeg) Creative Commons: Attribution
by ItzaFineDay
Saturday June 16, 2007