We Can't Do It Without You!


07.16.12 - 11:04 PM

Pity the guy at Shell who came up with the idea for their Arctic Ready ad campaign, which asks "Arctic-enthused drivers" to add their own slogans to images of nature in order to show "how Arctic energy production will transform the world." Apparently, he's never heard of memes or trolling.

-Abby Zimet
07.16.12 - 10:42 PM

Romney's responses to his tax return debacle grow more and more cringeworthy, in an entertaining sort of way. Today, CNN actually ran this screenshot.

-Abby Zimet
07.16.12 - 2:07 PM

Ohio residents are blocking access to a fracking well, with one activist chained to the gate, to protest the failure of regulators to test toxic wastewater after a spill at another site. Last week, business leaders gathered to hear how Ohio's emerging gas industry will be great for everyone and fracking is "not that complicated" - this, from the new CEO for BP.

-Abby Zimet
07.16.12 - 12:32 PM

News from Iowa, where the GOP's Randi "I Have Not Really Been Vetted" Shannon announced she is bowing out of a state Senate race to serve the "Original Republic for The United States of America" after learning the "U.S. government has been acting unlawfully as the ‘official government,’ which clearly it is not!” All fed up and no place to go: There are real ideas here - "THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION" - along with the wingnuttery.

"This Corrupt System is just like an out of control freight train heading at full speed toward the river where the bridge has been washed out by a flood brought on by their own acts in violation of the Public Trust, and their Oaths to The Constitution of Iowa and The Republic of The United States of America."

-Abby Zimet
07.13.12 - 11:34 PM

Hundreds of Los Angeles police in riot gear, many shooting rubber bullets, clashed with Occupy L.A. protesters and street artists attending a sidewalk chalk-drawing event as part of the monthly L.A. ArtWalk. Several injuries and 19 arrests, mostly for "vandalism." For drawing on sidewalks in chalk, in the rain? Overreact much?

-Abby Zimet
07.13.12 - 12:35 PM

This morning I was driving behind a coupla big ole boys in a big ole rig plastered with bumper stickers, including "When In Doubt Empty Magazine" and "In The Face of Terror and Murder the Call For Peace Is Not Patriotic It's Cowardice." So: Here's a story about a group in Chicago called Guns Save Life (sic) who went to the city's gun buyback program with some busted old guns, got $6,240, used it to buy new guns for kids as young as nine at an NRA summer shooting camp, and boasted online about scamming those "gun-hating do-gooders."

-Abby Zimet
07.12.12 - 1:06 PM

The opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in London will see Team U.S.A. decked out in obligatory red, white and blue, from beret to blazer. Designed by Ralph Lauren, and made - yup - in China.

-Abby Zimet


Monday July 16, 2012

Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez:
George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling:

Sunday July 15, 2012

San Francisco Chronicle Editorial:

Saturday July 14, 2012

Christopher Brauchli: