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Apple bans app that shows ugly side of electronics

Doug Gross, CNN
"Phone Story," which makes a game of the uglier side of electronics manufacturing, has been yanked from Apple's App Store.
  • Apple bans mobile game that shows the uglier side of electronics production
  • "Phone Story" depicts worker suicides, brutal mineral mining in Africa and environmental impact
  • Apple: App violated guidelines, which include no abuse toward children and "crude content"
  • Developer, who still has the game in the Android store, says he'll work on a new version

(CNN) -- The maker of a mobile game highlighting the uglier side of electronics production has seen the game banned from Apple's App Store just hours after its release.

The creators of "Phone Story" describe it as a game that "attempts to provoke a critical reflection on its own technological platform."

According to the developer's website, the game involves a player in cartoon versions of real-world scenarios involving mineral mining in the Congo, the reported suicides of workers at an Apple manufacturer's plant in China, the "planned obsolescence" of tech gadgets and the resulting environmental impact.

As the most profitable consumer-electronics company in the world, Apple has been front and center of discussions about all of those issues.

Paolo Pedercini, the game's Italian developer, posted a blog item on his Twitter feed Tuesday announcing the app had been pulled under the header "Phone Story RIP (13/09/2011 - 13/09/2011)."

He said Apple cited sections of its guidelines that ban apps that depict violence or abuse toward children, "excessively objectionable or crude content" or paid apps that solicit donations to causes.

The game's website says proceeds go to workers' groups and other nonprofit organizations.

In response, Pedercini said he's planning a new app that "depicts the violence and abuse of children involved in the electronic manufacturing supply chain in a noncrude and nonobjectionable way."

Apple's response was succinct.

"We removed this app from the App Store because it violates its developer guidelines," said Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr. Neumayr would not elaborate and didn't confirm or deny that the sections Pedercini cited are correct.

The game is still available for $1 in the Android Market.

It's not the first time Apple has been embroiled in controversies over electronics production (which, in fairness, are the same for many manufacturers of computers, phones and other gadgets).

Wired magazine, for one, has taken a close look at conditions at the Foxconn factory in China that makes iPhones.

The report describes nets strung around the building after a rash of worker suicides.

Amnesty International and other organizations have decried the way coltan, a mineral necessary for mobile phones, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo -- where there are reports of bloody violence to control the coltan trade and deadly conditions for workers held in slavelike conditions.

One Amnesty documentary calls it "Blood Coltan," comparing the mineral to the "blood diamonds" mined in some African nations.

And environmental groups such as Greenpeace have blasted Apple's environmental impact, saying its products contain hazardous chemicals and their short life spans have led to massive waste.

On its site, Apple lists "supplier responsibility" actions it takes to ensure "the highest standards of social responsibility wherever our products are made."

"We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes," the page says.

Apple's site says it regularly audits the companies it partners with and works with those firms to make improvements when needed.

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soundoff (103 Comments)
  • 3rdTimeKickt
    "Apple cited sections of its guidelines that ban apps that depict violence or abuse toward children, "excessively objectionable or crude content".........................................Right, so it's ok to do business with countries that exploit/abuse children in order to make Apple products...but ... more
  • SaraJane
    I have my first Ipod and that's it. No one needs all that crap.
  • 7th0ne
    Apple bans mobile game that shows the uglier side of electronics production."Phone Story" depicts worker suicides, brutal mineral mining in Africa and environmental impact. brutal mineral mining in Africa and environmental impact.the uglier side of electronics production.the uglier side of electroni... more
  • boa123
    Apple should be banned!
  • DeathToZaon
    Corporate Censorship...this is the pernicious world of sanitized and homogenized consumption. This is just another way the greed mongers perpetrate the hoax of deregulation.
  • geekalot
    We should think about HOW all the cool electronic gizmos we so love and/or love to hate get here. What conditions do the miners work under? What are the conditions like at the manufacturing plants in China and elsewhere? Where does all the waste go when you get bored and move on to the next shiny gi... more
  • BrainSlurper
    Or they shut it down because a lot of it isn't true. At all. And it violates apples terms.
  • Ubergek3000
  • Guest
  • bluenote67
    I would agree, if I couldn't afford one, either.
  • kaplooie
    Here comes a fatwa from all the Apple jihadists...
  • idontgivadam
    We get it ceez121. You love Apple and wish to fornicate with Steve Jobs.
  • infernus250
    Really ppl? This is the only bad thing apples done recentlynthat ive seen, stop overreacting
  • Malkntnt
    Apple making the iPhone into BRICKS for the people that rooted them to get them unlocked is unforgivable. Yes this is still "recently". I will never buy another Apple product. They are hypocrites.
  • BennyLava
    they should be thanking apple for giving them excellent publicity.
  • muckydoggy1
  • DeathToZaon
    more like capitalists, moron.
  • xdougx
    Way to go Apple. Ban anything that might possibly hint of irony or poke fun at you.
  • R123456789
    Apple sucks.... Windows 8 will kick its @$$.
  • idontgivadam
    While I agree that Apple sucks, if it wasn't for Microsoft 90% of the population wouldn't know what a software patch is.
  • dirtbiker
    Microsoft suxs
  • r5t6y7
    apple is just another authoritarian company. wake up you ignorant apple lovers!
  • bluenote67
    Yeah!!! Go with Microsoft!!! It's the little computer company for the little guy!!!
  • veggiedude
    Protecting one's own property is hardly authoritarian.
  • jakeROK
    And, by the way, do you want your kids playing a game that prominently features--in a cheerful, comic-book way--workers jumping off of factory towers?  Why should Apple have to purvey sleaze, against its guidelines?