New York News

Website spoofs 'Stop and Frisk' and McDonald's

Updated at 05:18 PM today

A spoof website promised a free happy meal to people who are "stop and frisked" by the NYPD.

"That's why we're excited to introduce our new three strikes you're in initiative. While the NYPD can't stop using 'Stop and Frisk' McDonalds can help police reward law abiding citizens," the video on the website said.

McDonald's and the NYPD are teaming up to get guns and drugs off the streets.

Does it seem strange? Well it should.

Its part of a spoof website called

"Every time you're stopped and frisked, put in the date and time, the officer's badge number, and bring the voucher in for a free happy meal," the video said.

"People talk about broken window policing. But we want people to talk about what happens in a young person's mind when they leave the house and think they'll be targeted," said Jerry Goralnick, an activist.

Jerry Goralnick and Divad Durant created the site.

They're with a local activist group called people enraged by racial policing.

The NYPD stops and frisks some 600,000 people every year.

Critics say it encourages racial profiling.

The department says it's a vital way to reduce violent crime.

"We wanted to make connection between race and biased based policing," Durant said.

What's disturbing is their satire could actually be taken as real.

Goralnick and Durant put it to the test sending one of their own into a local McDonalds with one of the fake vouchers.

"You get stopped three times by a police officer you get a free happy meal. Larissa!" the video played.

The manager looks at the voucher, ponders it for a second and then puts in the order.

"We want people to think about it more and become more active in their culture," Goralnick said.

Eyewitness News reached out to the NYPD about this. They didn't respond yet.

A spokeswoman from McDonald's said she's glad Eyewitness News realized this whole thing is fake.

The site however, was pulled within hours of going live because of a McDonald's copyright infringement.

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