• Podcast

    Posted on November 6th, 2009

    Written by AceCast


    Adam and Andy Bichlbaum

    Power to the podcast people!  Culture jamming activist and member of THE YES MEN, Andy Bichlbaum, joins Adam to discuss interesting ways to right the wrongs in today’s society.

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    This entry was posted on Friday, November 6th, 2009 at 2:39 am and is filed under Podcast. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

    Take a look at some of the responses we've had to this article.

    1. cool guest. and now a joke.

      blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah said, “Fuck you clown!”

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

    2. George Hernandez
      Nov 6th

      Bring back Bill Simmons!!!!

      • Don
        Nov 6th

        I think Bill Simmons was banned by ESPN from coming on the show. Good old Disney censorship. Adam does not speak “Disney”

    3. nater
      Nov 6th

      Andy, are you his publicist?

    4. traitor
      Nov 6th

      Wow, talk about worlds colliding! This is one of the last people I would’ve expected to hear on this podcast. The new Yes Men movie is really awesome. These guys are ballsier than Sacha Baron-Cohen.

    5. Molly is so cute!!!!!

    6. ricky from Downey
      Nov 6th

      you guys help Adam beat marc maron please he is bragging that he’s Beating Adam so promote the show more people

      • zapoli
        Nov 6th

        Maron’s not beating Adam. He’s just culling the herd. Promoting the show would be a crime against nature. Born free, as free as the wind blows …

    7. Comparig this guy with a total asshole like Sasha Baron Cohen, is like comparing, Einstien with a (9th grader from Van Neys high).

      • capt ham
        Nov 6th

        It’s Van Nuys, Einstein.

    8. JESUS
      Nov 6th

      great show aceman…

    9. notafan
      Nov 6th

      I think the Podcast would really benefit if it was better prepared to take calls. Adam is always at his best when he’s capable of absorbing new information and riffing on it, which is why he was perfect for Loveline and why his Radio show was so great. You can’t deny that the man isn’t a fantastic talker and is capable of some grade-A comedy, but his studio is an echo chamber.

      As much as Adam has complained about programming directors in the past and how much he clearly enjoys having absolute freedom on the ACP, he really does need some kind of structure otherwise he spins into the same repetitive nonsense he’s been spewing for the past six months. If nothing else, it serves as a foil to antagonizing him and make him a little bit less lazy and reliant on old bits.

      If they could figure out a way to take calls more reliably, either by setting up the phone line or getting their act together with Skype it would improve the show greatly. If nothing else, it would provide an avenue for people to call him on his more idiotic opinions. A month or so ago he was talking about how he thinks economics worked in the past (I’m assuming he meant the late 1800s to the 1920s), where the rich guys on the hill with their mansions and fancy cars were meant to serve as a role model for the poor who would claw their way up from crushing poverty in order to live in their own mansion. His complete lack of historical context is utterly asinine and he really needs to be called on it if he wants to continue to represent the people who listen to him.

      • Don
        Nov 6th

        Since you are Notafan why don’t you just notalisten!

      • Roy G Biv
        Nov 6th

        Well put, notafan.

        Don, you and the other assholes who just say don’t listen to whoever makes a suggestion to improve the show really need to shut up.

      • Nov 6th

        Notafan, you’re saying exactly what i’ve been thinking too. Adam needs other people to really shine. I have old loveline episodes i still listen too side by side with the podcast and i usually stop the podcast to listen to those because he can riff off of drew and the callers. He needs somewhere to focus his agression, be it bald bryan not agreeing with him, drew cutting off his jokes, or how stupid he thinks the loveline callers are. The drops were always great too! Structure makes for a better Adam!

    10. What tricks can Molly do?

    11. DUDE
      Nov 6th

      Allgae sounds good but it’s not realistic. To produce enough allgae to make a difference, in the energy world, would reqiure vast amounts of land to even make a dent in what we need for energy. Natural Gas is this countries best option for power vehicles. The US is sitting on top more than enough clean burning natural gas to power every vehicle in the country.

    12. max
      Nov 6th

      Interesting but do you ever plan to have Ozzie on your podcast. I can’t imagine a whole podcast with just him, but bring him in with Bryan/Theresa or your buddies. I mean the guy was a really funny part of the Hammer…. whats the deal?

    13. RCC
      Nov 6th

      This genius should learn about how the banking crises was caused by government corruption and regulation. Listen to Adam’s past rants on how drug companies or other evil big business actually help society.

    14. jj
      Nov 6th

      Redneck , I wish Sean would have gone apeshit. What a great headline grabber.

    15. Nov 6th

      Don’t know who Andy Bichlbaum is off the top of my head, but I’ll listen to the podcast and see if that jogs my memory.

    16. Al
      Nov 6th

      Adam I can’t believe you had this green commie on. He’ll make you put solar panels on your Aston Martin. Oh and no black cars b/c they use too much ac. If the whole country was covered in solar panels you could light up LA for a week. Then what???????? And it’s great to have high concentrations of poor people. I’m sure that’s just the kind of housing project this pussy lives in.

      • Phil
        Nov 6th

        is this just bad sarcasm?

        Black cars are nice in cold states; they keep cars warmer in the sun and the engine will actually start.

    17. fishy
      Nov 6th

      “…just the emotional cost of walking through a labyrinth of piss every time you walk down the stairs.”

    18. Simon
      Nov 6th

      Terrible podcast and I felt the analogies were really forced in this one.

      I hope CBS forced this commie clown onto the podcast, and if it did you should bail on them. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… I’d be happy to pay for the podcast.

    19. Nov 6th


    20. Susan In L.A.
      Nov 6th

      Don’t know if Mark Maron was mentioned in this podcast, but I downloaded one episode of WTF to see what it was about. What a blowhard, commie, shoplifting douchenozzle! 15 wasted minutes of life.

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