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It's the Yes Men!

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Yesmen The Yes Men are a pair of jokers who go around making life miserable for corporations they deem to be major polluters and disaster profiteers, while trying to make the rest of us laugh a little. 

Since Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno (real names Jacques Servin and Igor Vamos) require a degree of anonymity, and they have powerful enemies, they're surprisingly easy-going when recognized at a bus stop at the Sundance Film Festival. Of course, that's why they're here. After their self-titled 2003 movie, they're back at Sundance with a further chronicle of their troublemaking -- The Yes Men Fix the World.

"There is an endgame. We're either faced with saving the world now, or not having one. That's what the film is about,"Bichlbaum said as the bus carried them through Park City.

The pair post fake websites for their target corporations, which get the pranksters invited onto news programs and major industry conferences. Given the platform, they administer comedic vigilante justice by announcing, say, a $12 billion clean-up plan for the Bhopal, India, pesticide gas disaster that killed thousands in 1984, shaming the parent company (Dow Chemical) and hitting them with a media-savvy pie-to-the-face.

That's in the new movie, along with Bonanno turning up as a fake representative of Halliburton selling an Armageddon life-support system called The SurvivaBall, a ridiculous inflatable pod that can allow the "richest of the rich" to happily bounce around a post-apocalyptic world.

Obviously both are committed environmentalists, but even The Yes Men had to laugh at some of the green-boasting at the festival. On their Sundance-embossed new jackets were tags indicating "environmentally aware zippers," made out of recycled material.

Bonanno laughed: "That sounds like putting a Band-Aid on a severed head."

Check out how cool it would be to live in a SurvivaBall:

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