
[treat like with like]

[1 Jan 2004]
[About those chocolate chip cookies ...]
[I look at my blog and ...]
[Best Female Authored Blog]
[Donald Rumsfeld on the "Global War on Terrorism"]
[This one's for you]
[new beginnings elsewhere and here]
[Another 9/11 in 1973 Chile]
[Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | I have a dream]
[forty years later : martin luther king's "let freedom ring" speech]

[At least 12 dead in New York City ferry crash]
[today was like any other day]
[Herbert Muschamp on Ellsworth Kelly]
[American Experience | The Center of the World - New York: A Documentary Film | PBS]
[blackout 2003 : nyc pitch black]
[Greg Palast on the blackout of 2003]
[blackout 2003 : how it started downtown]
[blackout 2003]

[OH MY GOSH! I upgraded to MT version 2.65 without the system exploding!!]
[Some knit, I design]
[can you tell the difference?]
[POSTLETTES: How to create sidebar posts]
[a little JAVASCRIPT will make you happy]
[template modules]

[The New York Times needs to get a clue]
[Homeschooling Nightmares, Part 1]
[because the future is now]
[ten steps to deschooling]
[deschooling: taking the school out of homeschool]

[How do you pay for it? @ Radio Free Blogistan]
[Blogging in spurts? How about creatively living?]
[A how-to guide to revisionist history]
[Is Google God or Beast of the Apocalypse?]
[Proof #103 that Aaron McGruder is da man]
[Rent My Chest!]
[a fair and balanced judgement indeed]
[fair use = drop dead?]
[a balloon, a book and cookies at the Metropolitan Museum]
[let's try this one more time]
[*finding nemo* is the guavaest film of the year!]
[a new blog's in town]
[writing at twilight]
[a big GRACIAS to Jen]

[Calling all net art pundits]
[YOU ARE INVITED to the opening Mark's Napier SACRED CODE]
[Distributed Creativity Forum @ Eyebeam]
[Happy Blogiversary XIAN!]
[Of Shredder, Riot and]
[on blogging, TypePad and the next publishing revolution]
[random thoughts on how to share net art]
[*lapdance* and the power of humor]
[net art and the practice of transgression]
[art and process: a conversation with Mark Napier]

[Fun with Geography]
[OH MY GOSH! I upgraded to MT version 2.65 without the system exploding!!]
[the best 'year in review' award goes to ...]
[If you are not shocked and awed by my metrosexuality you need to be punked]
[To do list for Valenti, Lessing and Madonna]
[3-2-1, Drop That Possum!]
[not only is he a miserable failure but now]
[Lenny Bruce is pardoned 40 years later]
[Alternative Nativity Story]
[Miserable Failure + Bush = Google Bomb]
[Beastie Beuys]
[i am the one]
[how not to get fired for blogging]
[The British Film Institute Online]
[algorithmic porno]
[wacked out site of the week]
[it was about time somebody did this]
[but do all 'read' the same?]
[destroy all myths, detroy all prefjudices]
[Why not John Hurt?]
[want your kids to stand out? brand 'em!]
[but is it art?]
[in the mood for another test?]
[because being called one is not enough]
[Something Wicked Awesome this way comes]
[ring a ding, the FCC does the right thing]
[traumatized by vynil]
['the economist' says google is over-rated]
[when victims become victimizers]
[too good to be false : the teletubbie conspiracy]
[asanas for a happy pussy]
[ it's porn, it's karaoke, it's PORNAOKE!]
[talk about buzz being divine]
[Proof positive of Clinton's leadership]
[Democracy for skeptics]
[And the winner is ...]
[Goes to show ...]
[Down with debt]
[Short people make short money]
[how do you know you have a successful site?]
[this is what the net was made for]
[a dream job for lego fans]
[69 days and counting]
[How to customize Yahoo! News]
[And the number one way to loose your data is ...]
[Microsoft patents the weather]
[The #1 read of the deschooling movement]
[John Taylor Gatto]
[The Crappy Little Elf Name Generator]
[Can't get enough of the Simpsons?]
[CrAzY SyTeS]
[Have You've Gotten Yours Today?]
[Wired News: Shift-Key Case Rouses DMCA Foes]
[Jeremy's Yahoo! News Search RSS URL Generator]
[ - Study: New study shows that fellatio may reduce the risk of breast cancer - Oct. 2, 20]
[Joel on Software - The Absolute Minimum]
[ BBC NEWS | Publishers fight for more 'male lit']
[ BBC NEWS | Gay issue splits world bishops ]
[p e a c e d i v i d e n d]
[The Pregnant Prom Dress]
[Universe could be football-shaped: Finite cosmos may be smaller than we think]
[ BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Marathon man's Ness triumph]
[you cannot make this up: the colossal colon, the tour]

[An Atheist Xmas]
[The hell of pregnancy tests]
[Congratulations Glenn!]
[the men's PILL]
[BBC NEWS | Africa | Cheers greet Nigerian acquittal]
[RALLY: Elizabeth Seton Childbirthing Center]
[friday 21 august 1997; 12:01 pm]
[a turning point : baby no more]
[a very personal reason for not closing the Elizabeth Seaton Child bearing Center]
[to all big mommas out there]
[on kids and civilization]

[What is wrong with this picture? :: A call to Google Nuking!]
[spamology 101]
[Wired on Spammers]

December 24, 2003

not only is he a miserable failure but now

someone's hijacked his site under the domain Unelectable. could this be the work of The Yes Men? inquirying minds want to know ... btw, pic of the website will be coming soon. i am making sure i have the evidence before the site is taken down.

Posted on December 24, 2003 02:09 AM | TrackBack
Get on that Soapbox!

Personally, I think cheap labor conservative sums it up best. For more info on the phrase check out

Posted by: tom at January 1, 2004 03:28 PM
Say it loud, say it proud!

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