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The Yes Men Fix the World by The Yes Men

The Yes Men Fix the World by The Yes Men

Park City, UT — Andy and Mike, also known as The Yes Men, have become notorious for their political stunts which bring attention to the negative effects of globalization and corporate greed in society.

On the anniversary of the world’s worst industrial disaster, the BBC has a special interview with a spokesman from Dow to talk about the great tragedy in Bhopal, India which killed 18,000 people and left over a 100,000 sick for life. The Dow spokesman announced that Dow would be taking full responsibility for their actions, and their 12 billion dollar plan, would help all those affected in Bhopal. People in the BBC newsroom cheered and people in Bhopal cried with joy, the only problem is, the interview was a hoax.

The impersonator of the Dow representative, a man named Andy, is part of a group of international activists called The Yes Men. They impersonate the leaders of big corporations who care only about profits, regardless of their effects on the environment or human lives. The Yes Men set up fake corporate websites and wait for invitations to speak at the very conferences where they pull off their stunts. During these conventions they speak on such topics as: acceptable risk and the cost of US vs. Indian lives, making candles out of deceased employees to make a profit, and the announcement of the “Survivor Ball” suit which would allow the rich to survive both terrorist and natural threats…

The Yes Men Fix the World is funny and entertaining, but also extremely poignant and timely. The film follows Mike and Andy as they plan various stunts in order to awaken public awareness of the dangers of a free market without boundaries – and although the actions of The Yes Men may seem outrageous, they remind us that it’s up to all of us to take action to insure a better future for everybody.

For more info, check out The Yes Men website or the trailer on YouTube.

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